The FPDS Data Dictionary

FPDS Data Dictionary: A Comprehensive Guide
The Federal Procurement Data System (FPDS) is a critical resource for anyone involved in federal procurement. The FPDS Data Dictionary is an essential tool that provides detailed information about the data elements used in FPDS. This guide will help you understand the importance of the FPDS Data Dictionary, its key components, and how to use it effectively. This guide also provides the key contents of the FPDS Data Dictionary below.
Element tag | Name | Description |
PIID | Procurement Instrument Identifier (PIID) | The unique identifier for each contract, agreement or order. |
modNumber | Modification Number | An identifier issued by an agency that uniquely identifies one modification for one contract, agreement, order, etc. |
PIID under referencedIDVID | Referenced PIID | When reporting orders under Indefinite Delivery Vehicles (IDV) such as a GWAC, IDC, FSS, BOA, or BPA, report the Procurement Instrument Identifier (Contract Number or Agreement Number) of the IDV. For the initial load of a BPA under a FSS, this is the FSS contract number. Note: BOAs and BPAs are with industry and not with other Federal Agencies. |
transactionNumber | Transaction Number | Tie Breaker for legal, unique transactions that would otherwise have the same key. |
solicitationID | Solicitation Identifier | Identifier used to link transactions in FPDS to solicitation information. |
AgencyID | Agency Identifier | Identifier used to link agency in FPDS to award information. |
modNumber under referencedIDVID | Referenced IDV Modification Number | When reporting orders under Indefinite Delivery Vehicles (IDV) such as a GWAC, IDC, FSS, BOA, or BPA, report the Modification Number along with Procurement Instrument Identifier (Contract Number or Agreement Number) of the IDV. For the initial load of a BPA under a FSS, this is the FSS contract number. Note: BOAs and BPAs are with industry and not with other Federal Agencies |
agencyID Under referencedIDVID | Referenced IDV Agency Identifier | Identifier used to link agency in FPDS to referenced IDV information. |
signedDate | Date Signed | The date that a mutually binding agreement was reached. The date signed by the Contracting Officer or the Entity, whichever is later. |
effectiveDate | Period of Performance Start Date | The date that the parties agree will be the starting date for the contract's requirements. This is the period of performance start date for the entire contract period, this date does not reflect period of performance per modification, but rather the start of the entire contract period of performance. This data element does NOT correspond to FAR 43.101 or 52.243 and should not be mapped to those fields in your contract writing systems. |
currentCompletionDate | Current Completion Date | The completion date of the base contract plus options that have been exercised. |
ultimateCompletionDate | Ultimate Completion Date | The estimated or scheduled completion date including the base contract or order and all options (if any) whether the options have been exercised or not. |
lastDateToOrder | Indefinite Delivery Vehicle Last Date to Order | Last date on which an order may be placed against this indefinite delivery vehicle. |
None | Date/Time Stamp Accepted | The date and time that the transaction was validated and accepted by FPDS. |
genericString01 | Solicitation Date | For award of a new contract, purchase order, task\delivery order, or BPA Call valued above the SAT a solicitation issuance date must be provided, regardless of whether the new award: Was required to be advertised (i.e., posted on FBO, etc.); Is an order under a single-award indefinite-delivery contract; or Is an award that was not competed. |
baseAndAllOptionsValue | Base and All Options Value (Total Contract Value) | For the Award it is the mutually agreed upon total contract value including all options (if any). For IDVs the value is the mutually agreed upon total contract value including all options (if any) AND the estimated value of all potential orders. For modifications enter the CHANGE, positive or negative of these values, if any. |
baseAndExercisedOptionsValue | Base And Exercised Options Value | The contract value for the base contract and any options that have been exercised. |
obligatedAmount | Action Obligation | The amount that is obligated or de-obligated by this transaction. |
totalEstimatedOrderValue | Total Estimated Order Value | This amount reflects the total estimated value of all potential orders that can be placed against this IDV. This amount should only reflect the estimated value of all orders. This does not include any obligated amounts that may have been placed on the IDV itself. |
totalBaseAndAllOptionsValue | Total Base and All Options Value | The is a system generated element providing the sum of all the amounts entered in the "Base and All Options Value" field for a particular PIID and Agency. "Total Base and All Options Value" is generated irrespective of the "Transaction Number" on the Awards. |
totalBaseAndExercisedOptionsValue | Total Base and Exercised Options Value | The is a system generated element providing the sum of all the amounts entered in the "Base and Exercised Options Value" field for a particular PIID and Agency. "Total Base and Exercised Options Value" is generated irrespective of the "Transaction Number" on the Awards. |
totalObligatedAmount | Total Dollars Obligated | The is a system generated element providing the sum of all the amounts entered in the "Action Obligation" field for a particular PIID and Agency. "Total Obligated Amount" is generated irrespective of the "Transaction Number" on the Awards. |
contractingOfficeAgencyID | Contracting Agency Code | The code for the agency of the contracting office that executed or is otherwise responsible for the transaction. |
contractingOfficeID | Contracting Office Code | The agency supplied code of the contracting office that executes the transaction. |
fundingRequestingAgencyID | Program/Funding Agency - Code | The code for the agency that provided the preponderance of the funds obligated by this transaction |
fundingRequestingOfficeID | Program/Funding Office - Code | The funding agency provided code that identifies the office (or other organizational entity) that provided the preponderance of funds. If the Funding Agency is a non-DoD agency, the code is defined by the agency. If the Funding Agency is a DoD agency, the code is the DoD Activity Address Code (DODAAC). |
foreignFunding | Foreign Funding | Indicates that a foreign government, international organization, or foreign military organization bears some of the cost of the acquisition |
websiteURL | Web Site URL | The web site URL for inter agency Indefinite Delivery Vehicles |
whoCanUse | Who Can Use | Agencies that may place orders against this indefinite delivery vehicle. |
individualOrderLimit | Individual Order / Call Limit | Maximum dollar amount that can be applied to a single order against the Indefinite Delivery Vehicle. |
typeOfFeeForUseOfService | Fee for Use of Service | List of administrative fees charged for using an Indefinite Delivery Vehicle other than Federal Supply Schedule (FSS) Vehicle. The fees can be one of the following format: 1) Fixed, 2) Range - Varies by amount, and 3) Range - Varies by Other Factor. |
fixedFeeValue | Fixed Fee Value | The value if "Fixed Fee" is chosen for Fee for Use of Service (5D). |
feeRangeLowerValue | Fee Range Lower Value | The lower value if "Range" (RVA, RVO) is chosen for Fee for Use of Service (5D). |
feeRangeUpperValue | Fee Range Upper Value | The upper value if "Range" is chosen for Fee for Use of Service (5D). |
orderingProcedure | Ordering Procedure | |
feePaidForUseOfService | Fee Paid for Use of Service | Actual fee paid in order to use the IDV. |
emailAddress | Email Address | The email address of the point of contact for an IDV, entity, contracting agency, reporting agency, customer, or offset officer. |
typeOfContractPricing | Type of Contract | The type of contract as defined in FAR Part 16 that applies to this procurement. |
undefinitizedAction | Undefinitized Action | Designates whether the contact action is an Undefinitized Action. |
multiYearContract | Multiyear Contract | A multiyear contract means a contract for the purchase of supplies or services for more than 1, but not more than 5, program years. Such contracts are issued under specific congressional authority for specific programs. A multiyear contract may provide that performance under the contract during the second and subsequent years of the contract is contingent upon the appropriation of funds, and (if it does so provide) may provide for a cancellation payment to be made to the entity if appropriations are not made. The key distinguishing difference between multi-year contracts and multiple year contracts is that multi-year contracts buy more than 1 year of requirement (of a product or service) without establishing and having to exercise an option for each program year after the first. |
typeOfIDC | Type of IDC | Identifies whether the IDC or Multi-Agency Contract is Indefinite Delivery/Requirements, Indefinite Delivery/Indefinite Quantity, or Indefinite Delivery/Definite Quantity. A requirements contract provides for filling all actual purchase requirements of designated Government activities for supplies or services during a specified contract period, with deliveries or performance to be scheduled by placing orders with the entity. A Requirements IDC or Multi-Agency Contract is a contract for all of the agency's requirement for the supplies or services specified, and effective for the period stated, in the IDC or Multi-Agency Contract. After award, the contract is a mandatory source for the agency for the supplies or services specified. The quantities of supplies or services specified in the IDC or Multi-Agency Contract are estimates only and are not purchased by this contract. Except as this contract may otherwise provide, if the Government's requirements do not result in orders in the quantities described as "estimated" or "maximum" in the Schedule, that fact shall not constitute the basis for an equitable price adjustment. An indefinite-quantity contract provides for an indefinite quantity, within stated limits, of supplies or services during a fixed period. The Government places orders for individual requirements. Quantity limits may be stated as number of units or as dollar values. An Indefinite-Quantity is a contract for the supplies or services specified, and effective for the period stated, in the IDC or Multi-Agency Contract. The quantities of supplies and services specified in the IDC or Multi-Agency Contract are estimates only and are not purchased by this contract. A definite-quantity contract provides for delivery of a definite quantity of specific supplies or services for a fixed period, with deliveries or performance to be scheduled at designated locations upon order. A Definite Quantity IDC or Multi-Agency Contract is a definite-quantity, indefinite-delivery contract for the supplies or services specified, and effective for the period stated, in the IDC or Multi-Agency Contract. |
multipleOrSingleAwardIDC | Multiple or Single Award IDV | Indicates whether the contract is one of many that resulted from a single solicitation, all of the contracts are for the same or similar items, and contracting officers are required to compare their requirements with the offerings under more than one contract or are required to acquire the requirement competitively among the awardees. BPA "Multiple or Single Award IDV" value does not pull the "Multiple or Single Award IDV" value of the referenced FSS to the BPA. The "Multiple or Single Award IDV" value shall be required and selected by the user for all BPA bases created. |
performanceBasedServiceContract | Performance-Based Service Acquisition | Indicates whether the contract action is a PBA of services as defined by FAR 37.601. A PBSA: a. Describes the requirements in terms of results required rather than the methods of performance of the work b. Uses measurable performance standards (i.e. terms of quality, timelines, quantity etc.) and quality assurance surveillance plans (refer to 46.103(a) and 46.401(a)) c. Specifies procedures for reductions of fee or for reductions to the price of a fixed-price contract when services are not performed or do not meet contract requirements (refer to 46.407) d. Includes performance incentives where applicable. For FPDS reporting purposes, a minimum of 80% of the anticipated obligations under the procurements action must meet the above requirements for FY 2004 and prior and a minimum of 50% of the anticipated obligations under the procurements action must meet the above requirements for FY 2005 and later. |
majorProgramCode | Major Program | The agency determined code for a major program within the agency. For an Indefinite Delivery Vehicle, this may be the name of a GWAC (e.g., ITOPS or COMMITS). |
contingencyHumanitarianPeacekeepingOperation | Emergency Acquisition | A designator of contract actions that support a declared contingency operation, a declared humanitarian or peacekeeping operation, or a declared presidential issued emergency declaration or a major disaster declaration. |
costOrPricingData | Cost or Pricing Data | A designator that indicates if cost or pricing was obtained, not obtained or waived. |
contractFinancing | Contract Financing | Type of financing used to effect payment (progress payments, advance payments, etc.). |
costAccountingStandardsClause | Cost Accounting Standards Clause | Indicates whether the contract includes a Cost Accounting Standards clause. |
descriptionOfContractRequirement | Description of Requirement | Enter a brief, summary level, plain English, description of the contract, award, or modification. |
purchaseCardAsPaymentMethod | Purchase Card as Payment Method | Indicates whether the method of payment is the Purchase Card. Agencies may issue formal contract documents and make payment using the Purchase Card. It is also permitted that agencies may report Purchase Card purchases. |
programAcronym | Program Acronym | The short name or title used for a GWAC or other contracting program. Examples include COMMITS, ITOPS, SEWP. |
numberOfActions | Number of Actions | The number input by the agency that identifies number of actions that are reported in one modification. |
nationalInterestActionCode | National Interest Action | A code that represents the national interest for which the contract is created. |
inherentlyGovernmentalFunction | Inherently Governmental Functions | Indicates the type of the "Inherently Governmental Function" used on the action. |
agencyIdentifier | Treasury Account Symbol Agency Identifier | Agency Identifier represents the department, agency or establishment of the U.S. Government that is responsible for the Treasury Account Symbol. |
mainAccountCode | Main Account Code | Identifies the type and purpose of the fund. |
subAccountCode | Sub Account Code | Identifies an available receipt or other Treasury-defined subdivision of the main account. |
initiative | Initiative | Identifies whether the Treasury Account Symbol is for Recovery |
ClingerCohenAct | Clinger-Cohen Act Planning Compliance | A code indicating the funding office has certified that the information technology purchase meets the planning requirements in 40 USC 11312 & 40 USC 11313. |
materialsSuppliesArticlesEquipment | Materials, Supplies, Articles, and Equip | Indicates whether the transaction is subject to the Materials, Supplies, Articles, & Equip. The clause is 52.222-20 "Contracts for Materials, Supplies, Articles, and Equipment Exceeding $15,000" - that goes with Contracts for Materials, Supplies, Articles, and Equipment Exceeding $15,000 (formerly Walsh-Healey) |
laborStandards | Labor Standards | Indicates whether the transaction is subject to the Labor Standards. The clause for Labor Standards is 52.222-41 "Labor Standards" - that goes with the Service Contract Labor Standards (formerly Service Contract Act) |
constructionWageRateRequirements | Construction Wage Rate Requirements | Indicates whether the transaction is subject to the Construction Wage Rate Requirements. The clause is 52.222-6 "Construction Wage Rate Requirements" - that goes with Wage Rate Requirements (Construction) (formerly Davis-Bacon Act) |
interagencyContractingAuthority | Interagency Contracting Authority | Indicates whether the transaction is an Economy Act or Statutory Authority. |
otherStatutoryAuthority | Other Interagency Contracting Statutory Authority | Indicates whether the transaction is subject to other statutory authority. If "Interagency Contracting Authority" is "Other Statutory Authority" then an entry is required in this data element. |
additionalReportingValue | Additional Reporting | This data element allows the user to select the additional reporting requirements that apply to the contract action. Multiple values can be selected if more than one requirement applies to this action. |
productOrServiceCode | Product or Service Code | The code that best identifies the product or service procured. Codes are defined in the Product and Service Codes Manual. |
systemEquipmentCode | DoD Acquisition Program | A code that identifies the program (such as weapons systems or major information systems) for which this purchase is being made. It is a 3-character alphanumeric code, established in the Defense Acquisition Visibility Enterprise (DAVE) system. The code is also referred to as a Centralized Unique Program Identifier (CUPID). |
productServiceDescription | Product Service Code Description | A description of the product or service designated by the product service code. |
claimantProgramCode | DoD Claimant Program Code | A claimant program number designates a grouping of supplies, construction, or other services. |
principalNAICSCode | NAICS | The North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) codes designate major sectors of the economies of Mexico, Canada, and the United States. |
informationTechnologyCommercialItemCategory | Information Technology Commercial Category | A code that designates the commercial availability of an information technology product or service. |
GFE-GFP | Government Furnished Property (GFP) | The contract uses equipment or property furnished by the government, pursuant to FAR 45. |
useOfEPADesignatedProducts | EPA-Designated Product(s) | The Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA), Section 6002, and Executive Order 13101 require the purchase of Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) -designated products with a required minimum recovered material content as described in an agency's Affirmative Procurement Program (APP). This list of EPA-designated products is available at This requirement applies to all contracts that require EPA designated products. |
recoveredMaterialClauses | Recovered Materials/Sustainability | Designates whether Recovered Material Certification and/or Estimate of Percentage of Recovered Material Content for EPA-Designated Products clauses were included in the contract. |
seaTransportation | Sea Transportation | A code designating whether the entity anticipates some of the supplies may be transported by sea. |
contractBundling | Contract Bundling | "Bundling" or "bundled contract" (1) Means the consolidating or combining of two or more requirements for supplies or services, previously provided or performed under separate smaller contracts, into a solicitation for a single contract, a multiple-award contract, a task order or delivery order that is likely to be unsuitable for award to a Small Business Concern(but may be suitable for award to a small business with a Small Business Teaming Arrangement) due to-(i) The diversity, size, or specialized nature of the elements of the performance specified; (ii) The aggregate dollar value of the anticipated award; (iii) The geographical dispersion of the contract performance sites; or (iv) Any combination of the factors described in paragraphs (1)(i), (ii), and (iii) of this definition. (2) "Separate smaller contract" as used in this definition, means a contract that has been performed by one or more small business concerns or that was suitable for award to one or more small business concerns. |
consolidatedContract | Consolidated Contract | "Consolidation," "consolidation of contract requirements," "consolidated contract," or "consolidated requirement"- (1) Means a solicitation for a single contract, a multiple award contract, a task order, or a delivery order to satisfy- (i) Two or more requirements of the Federal agency for supplies or services that have been provided to or performed for the Federal agency under two or more separate contracts, each of which was lower in cost than the total cost of the contract for which offers are solicited; or (ii) Requirements of the Federal agency for construction projects to be performed at two or more discrete sites. (2) "Separate contract" as used in this definition, means a contract that has been performed by any business, including Small and Other than Small Business Concerns. |
manufacturingOrganizationType | Domestic or Foreign Entity | Code that indicates the type of entity from the values listed. |
locationCode, stateCode, countryCode | Principal Place of Performance Code | For Services: The predominant place of performance at the time of award. Predominance is based on funding. If funds are equal, Contracting Officers (COs) should use their best judgement. - In the case of subscription services, software licenses, or similar type services; use the location where these services are being used. - In the case of services that begin in one location and end in another (e.g., shipping); use the destination. - In the case of services being performed in oceans/seas, choose the closest major city (if in U.S. waters). In another country's waters, choose that country. If in open waters, choose the closest country and choose the closest major city if that country is the U.S. - In the case of services being performed in the atmosphere or space, choose the location from which the equipment conducting the services was launched. If the place of performance is not specified by the government in the Statement of Work or Performance Work Statement, and the CO does not have any other information indicating a specific location, the CO may use the entity's location as the place of performance. For Goods/Supplies: Items being manufactured should reflect the manufacture site as the place of performance. All other goods should enter the location the item was taken from inventory (e.g., the store location, etc.). If the place of performance is located in the U.S. in an area that has no ZIP Plus 4 code (e.g., a national park, a remote location, etc.), use the closest location that does have a ZIP Plus 4. NOTE: Not all procurements require documentation of the place of performance in the file. |
principalPlaceOfPerformanceName | Principal Place of Performance Name | The name that identifies the principal place of performance. |
countryOfOrigin | Country of Product or Service Origin | Identifies the country of product or service origin |
congressionalDistrictContractor | Congressional District - Entity | Indicates the congressional district of the entity. |
congressionalDistrict | Congressional District - Place of Performance | For U.S. Place of Performance, indicates the Congressional District if it can be determined. Otherwise, indicates that multiple districts may be involved. |
placeOfManufacture | Place of Manufacture | Represents whether the end products procured by the contract are manufactured inside or outside the U.S. in accordance with the Buy American Act (see FAR 25.1) and any exceptions or reasons for waivers employed. |
CCRException | FAR 4.1102 Exception | The reason an entity not registered in the mandated SAM system may be used in a purchase. Note: This data element is the same as the "2 CFR Part 25 Exception" data element in FAADC. |
placeOfPerformanceZipCode | Zip Code - Place of Performance | For U.S. Place of Performance: indicates the ZIP Code. If the Place of Performance is U.S, enter ZIP+4 code. Otherwise, enter the postal code available for the foreign location. |
cageCode | CAGE Code | The CAGE Code of the entity. Used as a key to SAM. Maps to the Unique Entity ID. |
genericString02 | Unique Entity ID | The Unique Entity ID of the entity. |
extentCompeted | Extent Competed | A code that represents the competitive nature of the contract. |
reasonNotCompeted | Other than Full and Open Competition | The designator for solicitation procedures other than full and open competition pursuant to FAR 6.3 |
numberOfOffersReceived | Number of Offers Received | The number of actual offers/bids received in response to the solicitation. |
numberOfOffersSource | Number of Offers Received Source | Designates the source of the Number of Offers Received on this contract action. |
commercialItemAcquisitionProcedures | Commercial Products and Services Acquisition Procedures | Designates whether the solicitation used the special requirements for the acquisition of commercial products or services (or other supplies or services authorized to use commercial procedures) intended to more closely resemble those customarily used in the commercial marketplace as defined by FAR Part 12. |
commercialItemTestProgram | Simplified Procedures for Certain Commercial Products and Commercial Services | This field designates whether the acquisition utilized FAR subpart 13.5 Simplified Procedures for Certain Commercial Products and Commercial Services. This subpart provides for the use of simplified acquisition procedures for the acquisition of products or services in amounts greater than the simplified acquisition threshold when: (1) the acquisition does not exceed $7.5 million and the contracting officer reasonably expects that offers will only include commercial acquisitions; (2) the acquisition does not exceed $20 million and is for commercial acquisitions that, as determined by the head of the agency, are to be used in support of a contingency operation or to facilitate the defense against or recovery from cyber, nuclear, biological, chemical, or radiological attack; or (3) the acquisition does not exceed $20 million and can be treated as an acquisition of commercial products/services in accordance with FAR 12.102(f)(1) |
smallBusinessCompetitivenessDemonstrationProgram | Small Business Competitiveness Demonstration Program | Indicates whether the contract was awarded to a U.S. business concern as a result of a solicitation issued on or after Jan 1, 1989 for the four designated industry groups or the ten targeted industry categories as part of the Small Business Competitiveness Program as defined by FAR Part 19.10. |
A76Action | A-76 (FAIR Act) Action | Indicates whether the contract action has resulted from an A-76/Fair Act competitive sourcing process. |
solicitationProcedures | Solicitation Procedures | The designator for competitive solicitation procedures available. |
typeOfSetAside | Type of Set Aside | The designator for Type of Set Aside determined for the contract action. |
typeOfSetAsideSource | Type of Set Aside Source | Designates the source of the Type of Set Aside on this contract action. |
evaluatedPreference | Evaluated Preference | The designator for type of preference determined for the contract action. |
research | Research | The designator for type of research determined for the contract action. |
statutoryExceptionToFairOpportunity | Fair Opportunity/Limited Sources | The type of statutory exception to Fair Opportunity. |
fedBizOpps | Contract Opportunities Notice | Indicates whether the synopsis requirements of FAR Subpart 5.2. have been observed. |
localAreaSetAside | Local Area Set Aside | When awarding emergency response contracts during the term of a major disaster or emergency declaration by the President of the United States under the authority of the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act (42 U.S.C. 5121, et seq.), preference shall be given, to the extent feasible and practicable, to local firms. Preference may be given through a local area set-aside or an evaluation preference. Note: When the value for the data element 'Multiple or Single Award IDV' is 'Single' on the Referenced IDV, the value for 'Local Area Set Aside' is propagated from the BPA. When the value is 'Multiple' user input is required. |
genericString06 | Source Selection Process | The designator for indicating what type of source selection process along the best value continuum (see FAR 15.101) was used to determine the successful offeror for an award, if any. |
contractingOfficerBusinessSizeDetermination | Contracting Officer's Determination of Business Size | The Contracting Officer's determination of whether the selected entity meets the small business size standard for award to a small business for the NAICS code that is applicable to the contract. |
subcontractPlan | Subcontracting Plan | Subcontracting plan requirement. (See FAR Part 19.702) |
priceEvaluationPercentDifference | Price Evaluation Adjustment/Preference Percent Difference | The percent difference between the award price and the lowest priced offer from a responsive, responsible non-HUBZone or non-SDB. |
contractActionType | IDV Type | The type of Indefinite Delivery Vehicle being (IDV) loaded by this transaction. IDV Types include Government-Wide Acquisition Contract (GWAC), Multi-Agency Contract, Other Indefinite Delivery Contract (IDC), Federal Supply Schedule (FSS), Basic Ordering Agreement (BOA), and Blanket Purchase Agreements (BPA). |
contractActionType | Award Type | The type of award being entered by this transaction. Types of awards include Purchase Orders (PO), Delivery Orders (DO), BPA Calls and Definitive Contracts. |
reasonForModification | Reason for Modification | The type of modification to an award or IDV performed by this transaction. |
isLocalGovernment | U.S. Local Government | Characteristic of the entity such as whether the selected entity is a Local Government Organization or not. It is derived from the SAM data element, 'Business Types'. |
isStateGovernment | U.S. State Government | Characteristic of the entity such as whether the selected entity is a State Government Organization or not. It is derived from the SAM data element, 'Business Types'. |
isFederalGovernment | U.S. Federal Government | Characteristic of the entity such as whether the selected entity is a Federal Government Organization or not. It is derived from the SAM data element, 'Business Types'. |
isTribalGovernment | U.S. Tribal Government | Characteristic of the entity such as whether the selected entity is a Tribal Government Organization or not. It is derived from the SAM data element, 'Business Types'. |
isVerySmallBusiness | Emerging Small Business | Characteristic of the entity such as whether the selected entity is an Emerging Small Business Organization or not. It is derived from the SAM data element, 'Business Types' |
isSBACertified8AProgramParticipant | SBA-Certified 8(a) Program Participant | Characteristic of the entity such as whether the selected entity is an SBA-Certified 8(a) Program Participant organization or not. It is derived from the SAM data element, 'Business Types'. |
isSBACertifiedHUBZone | SBA-Certified Historically Underutilized Business Zone (HUBZone) Firm | Characteristic of the entity such as whether the selected entity is an SBA-Certified Historically Underutilized Business Zone (HUBZone) Firm or not. It is derived from the SAM data element, 'Business Types' |
isSBACertifiedSmallDisadvantagedBusiness | SBA-Certified Small Disadvantaged Business | Characteristic of the entity such as whether the selected entity is an SBA-Certified Small Disadvantaged Business organization or not. It is derived from the SAM data element, 'Business Types'. |
isShelteredWorkshop | The AbilityOne Program | Characteristic of the entity such as whether the selected entity is a Sheltered Workshop (JWOD Provider) Organization or not. It is derived from the SAM data element, 'Business Types'. |
isHistoricallyBlackCollegeOrUniversity | Historically Black College or University | Characteristic of the entity such as whether the selected entity is a Historically Black College or University or not. It is derived from the SAM data element, 'Business Types'. |
isMinorityInstitution | Minority Institution | Characteristic of the entity such as whether the selected entity is a Minority Institution or not. It is derived from the SAM data element, 'Business Types'. |
isEducationalInstitution | Educational Institution | Characteristic of the entity such as whether the selected entity is an Educational Institution or not. It is derived from the SAM data element, 'Business Types'. |
isWomenOwned | Women-Owned Business | Characteristic of the entity such as whether the selected entity is a Women-Owned Business or not. It is derived from the SAM data element, 'Business Types'. |
isVeteranOwned | Veteran-Owned Business | Characteristic of the entity such as whether the selected entity is a Veteran-Owned Business or not. It is derived from the SAM data element, 'Business Types'. |
isServiceRelatedDisabledVeteranOwnedBusiness | Service-Disabled Veteran-Owned Business | Characteristic of the entity such as whether the selected entity is a Service-Disabled Veteran-Owned Business or not. It is derived from the SAM data element, 'Business Types'. |
genericBoolean02 | Service-Disabled Veteran-Owned Business Joint Venture | Characteristic of the entity such as whether the selected entity is a Service-Disabled Veteran-Owned Business Joint Venture or not. It is derived from the SAM data element, 'Business Types'. |
receivesContracts | Contracts | Characteristic of the entity such as whether the selected entity is a Contracts or not. It is derived from the SAM data element, 'Business Types'. |
isAmericanIndianOwned | American Indian Owned Business | Characteristic of the entity such as whether the selected entity is an American Indian Owned Business or not. It is derived from the SAM data element, 'Business Types'. |
isAsianPacificAmericanOwnedBusiness | Asian-Pacific American Owned Business | Characteristic of the entity such as whether the selected entity is an Asian-Pacific American Owned Business or not. It is derived from the SAM data element, 'Business Types'. |
isBlackAmericanOwnedBusiness | Black American Owned Business | Characteristic of the entity such as whether the selected entity is a Black American Owned Business or not. It is derived from the SAM data element, 'Business Types'. |
isHispanicAmericanOwnedBusiness | Hispanic American Owned Business | Characteristic of the entity such as whether the selected entity is a Hispanic American Owned Business or not. It is derived from the SAM data element, 'Business Types'. |
isNativeAmericanOwnedBusiness | Native American Owned Business | Characteristic of the entity such as whether the selected entity is a Native American Owned Business or not. It is derived from the SAM data element, 'Business Types'. |
isSubContinentAsianAmericanOwnedBusiness | Subcontinent Asian (Asian-Indian) American Owned Business | Characteristic of the entity such as whether the selected entity is a Subcontinent Asian (Asian-Indian) American Owned Business or not. It is derived from the SAM data element, 'Business Types'. |
isOtherMinorityOwned | Other Minority-Owned Business | Characteristic of the entity such as whether the selected entity is an Other Minority-Owned Business or not. It is derived from the SAM data element, 'Business Types'. |
isForProfitOrganization | For Profit Organization | Characteristic of the entity such as whether the selected entity is a Profit Organization or not. It is derived from the SAM data element, 'Business Types'. |
isNonprofitOrganization | Nonprofit Organization | Characteristic of the entity such as whether the selected entity is a Nonprofit Organization or not. It is derived from the SAM data element, 'Business Types'. |
isOtherNotForProfitOrganization | Other Not For Profit Organization | Characteristic of the entity such as whether the selected entity is a Other Not For Profit Organization or not. It is derived from the SAM data element, 'Business Types'. |
vendorName | Legal Business Name | The name of the entity supplying the product or service as it appears in SAM at the time of the award based on the Unique Entity Identifier provided. If awarding a task/delivery order, a FAR Part 8 BPA, or any BPA Call, the entity information will be inherited from the IDV as it appeared at the time of award. |
vendorDoingAsBusinessName | Entity Doing Business As Name | The doing business as name of the entity address. |
isCityLocalGovernment | City Local Government | Characteristic of the entity such as whether the selected entity is a City Local Government or not. It is derived from the SAM data element, 'Business Types'. |
isCountyLocalGovernment | County Local Government | Characteristic of the entity such as whether the selected entity is a County Local Government or not. It is derived from the SAM data element, 'Business Types'. |
isInterMunicipalLocalGovernment | Inter-Municipal Local Government | Characteristic of the entity such as whether the selected entity is an Inter-Municipal Local Government or not. It is derived from the SAM data element, 'Business Types'. |
isLocalGovernmentOwned | Local Government Owned | Characteristic of the entity such as whether the selected entity is a Local Government Owned or not. It is derived from the SAM data element, 'Business Types'. |
isMunicipalityLocalGovernment | Municipality Local Government | Characteristic of the entity such as whether the selected entity is a Municipality Local Government or not. It is derived from the SAM data element, 'Business Types'. |
isSchoolDistrictLocalGovernment | School District Local Government | Characteristic of the entity such as whether the selected entity is a School District Local Government or not. It is derived from the SAM data element, 'Business Types'. |
isTownshipLocalGovernment | Township Local Government | Characteristic of the entity such as whether the selected entity is a Township Local Government or not. It is derived from the SAM data element, 'Business Types'. |
streetAddress | Entity Address Line 1 | The address of the entity supplying the product or service as it appears in SAM at the time of the award based on the Unique Entity Identifier provided. If awarding a task/delivery order, a FAR Part 8 BPA, or any BPA Call, the entity information will be inherited from the IDV as it appeared at the time of award. |
isFederalGovernmentAgency | Federal Agency | Characteristic of the entity such as whether the selected entity is a Federal Agency or not. It is derived from the SAM data element, 'Business Types'. |
isFederallyFundedResearchAndDevelopmentCorp | Federally Funded Research and Development Corp | Characteristic of the entity such as whether the selected entity is a Federally Funded Research and Development Corp or not. It is derived from the SAM data element, 'Business Types'. |
streetAddress2 | Entity Address Line 2 | The address of the entity supplying the product or service as it appears in SAM at the time of the award based on the Unique Entity Identifier provided. If awarding a task/delivery order, a FAR Part 8 BPA, or any BPA Call, the entity information will be inherited from the IDV as it appeared at the time of award. |
isForeignGovernment | Foreign Government | Characteristic of the entity such as whether the selected entity is a Foreign Government or not. It is derived from the SAM data element, 'Business Types'. |
isCommunityDevelopedCorporationOwnedFirm | Community Development Corporation-Owned Concern | Characteristic of the entity such as whether the selected entity is a Community Development Corporation-Owned Concern or not. It is derived from the SAM data element, 'Business Types'. |
isLaborSurplusAreaFirm | Labor Surplus Area Firm | Characteristic of the entity such as whether the selected entity is a Labor Surplus Area Firm or not. It is derived from the SAM data element, 'Business Types'. |
isCorporateEntityNotTaxExempt | Corporate Entity, Not Tax Exempt | Characteristic of the entity such as whether the selected entity is a Corporate Entity, Not Tax Exempt or not. It is derived from the SAM data element, 'Business Types'. |
isCorporateEntityTaxExempt | Corporate Entity, Tax Exempt | Characteristic of the entity such as whether the selected entity is a Corporate Entity, Tax Exempt or not. It is derived from the SAM data element, 'Business Types'. |
isPartnershipOrLimitedLiabilityPartnership | Partnership or Limited Liability Partnership | Characteristic of the entity such as whether the selected entity is a Partnership or Limited Liability Partnership or not. It is derived from the SAM data element, 'Business Types'. |
isSolePropreitorship | Sole Proprietorship | Characteristic of the entity such as whether the selected entity is a Sole Proprietorship or not. It is derived from the SAM data element, 'Business Types'. |
isSmallAgriculturalCooperative | Small Agricultural Cooperative | Characteristic of the entity such as whether the selected entity is a Small Agricultural Cooperative or not. It is derived from the SAM data element, 'Business Types'. |
isInternationalOrganization | International Organization | Characteristic of the entity such as whether the selected entity is an International Organization or not. It is derived from the SAM data element, 'Business Types'. |
isUSGovernmentEntity | U.S. Government Entity | Characteristic of the entity such as whether the selected entity is a U.S. Government Entity or not. It is derived from the SAM data element, 'Business Types'. |
streetAddress3 | Entity Address Line 3 | The address of the entity supplying the product or service as it appears in SAM at the time of the award based on the Unique Entity Identifier provided. If awarding a task/delivery order, a FAR Part 8 BPA, or any BPA Call, the entity information will be inherited from the IDV as it appeared at the time of award. |
city | Entity Address City | The city of the entity address. |
genericBoolean01 | Small Business Joint Venture | Characteristic of the entity such as whether the selected entity is a Small Business Joint Venture or not. It is derived from the SAM data element, 'Business Types'. |
isSBACertified8AJointVenture | SBA-Certified 8(a) Joint Venture | Characteristic of the entity such as whether the selected entity is a SBA-Certified 8(a) Joint Venture or not. It is derived from the SAM data element, 'Business Types'. |
isDOTCertifiedDisadvantagedBusinessEnterprise | DoT Certified Disadvantaged Business Enterprise | Characteristic of the entity such as whether the selected entity is a DoT Certified Disadvantaged Business Enterprise or not. It is derived from the SAM data element, 'Business Types'. |
isSelfCertifiedSmallDisadvantagedBusiness | Self-Certified Small Disadvantaged Business | Characteristic of the entity such as whether the selected entity is a Self-Certified Small Disadvantaged Business or not. It is derived from the SAM data element, 'Business Types'. |
genericBoolean03 | SBA-Certified Women-Owned Small Business | Characteristic of the entity such as whether the selected entity is an SBA-Certified Women-Owned Small Business or not. It is derived from the SAM data element, 'Business Types'. |
genericBoolean04 | SBA-Certified Economically Disadvantaged Women-Owned Small Business | Characteristic of the entity such as whether the selected entity is an SBA-Certified Economically Disadvantaged Women-Owned Small Business or not. It is derived from the SAM data element, 'Business Types'. |
state | Entity Address State | The state of the entity address. |
ZIPCode | Entity Zip Code | The zip code of the entity address. |
countryCode | Entity Country Code | The country code of the entity address. |
is1862LandGrantCollege | 1862 Land Grant College | Characteristic of the entity such as whether the selected entity is an 1862 Land Grant College or not. It is derived from the SAM data element, 'Business Types'. |
is1890LandGrantCollege | 1890 Land Grant College | Characteristic of the entity such as whether the selected entity is an 1890 Land Grant College or not. It is derived from the SAM data element, 'Business Types'. |
is1994LandGrantCollege | 1994 Land Grant College | Characteristic of the entity such as whether the selected entity is a 1994 Land Grant College or not. It is derived from the SAM data element, 'Business Types'. |
phoneNo | Entity Phone Number | The phone number of the entity. |
isPrivateUniversityOrCollege | Private University or College | Characteristic of the entity such as whether the selected entity is a Private University or College or not. It is derived from the SAM data element, 'Business Types'. |
isSchoolOfForestry | School of Forestry | Characteristic of the entity such as whether the selected entity is a School of Forestry or not. It is derived from the SAM data element, 'Business Types'. |
isStateControlledInstitutionofHigherLearning | State Controlled Institution of Higher Learning | Characteristic of the entity such as whether the selected entity is a State Controlled Institution of Higher Learning or not. It is derived from the SAM data element, 'Business Types'. |
isTribalCollege | Tribal College | Characteristic of the entity such as whether the selected entity is a Tribal College or not. It is derived from the SAM data element, 'Business Types'. |
isVeterinaryCollege | Veterinary College | Characteristic of the entity such as whether the selected entity is a Veterinary College or not. It is derived from the SAM data element, 'Business Types'. |
isAlaskanNativeServicingInstitution | Alaskan Native Servicing Institution | Characteristic of the entity such as whether the selected entity is an Alaskan Native Servicing Institution or not. It is derived from the SAM data element, 'Business Types'. |
isNativeHawaiianServicingInstitution | Native Hawaiian Servicing Institution | Characteristic of the entity such as whether the selected entity is a Native Hawaiian Servicing Institution or not. It is derived from the SAM data element, 'Business Types'. |
faxNo | Entity Fax Number | The fax number of the entity. |
isCommunityDevelopmentCorporation | Community Development Corporation |
Characteristic of the entity such as whether the selected entity is a Community Development Corporation or not. It is derived from the SAM data element, 'Business Types'. |
isDomesticShelter | Domestic Shelter | Characteristic of the entity such as whether the selected entity is a Domestic Shelter or not. It is derived from the SAM data element, 'Business Types'. |
isManufacturerOfGoods | Manufacturer of Goods | Characteristic of the entity such as whether the selected entity is a Manufacturer of Goods or not. It is derived from the SAM data element, 'Business Types'. |
isVeterinaryHospital | Veterinary Hospital | Characteristic of the entity such as whether the selected entity is a Veterinary Hospital or not. It is derived from the SAM data element, 'Business Types'. |
isHispanicServicingInstitution | Hispanic Servicing Institution | Characteristic of the entity such as whether the selected entity is a Hispanic Servicing Institution or not. It is derived from the SAM data element, 'Business Types'. |
isFoundation | Foundation | Characteristic of the entity such as whether the selected entity is a Foundation or not. It is derived from the SAM data element, 'Business Types'. |
isMinorityOwned | Minority-Owned Business | Characteristic of the entity such as whether the selected entity is a Minority-Owned Business or not. It is derived from the SAM data element, 'Business Types'. |
isWomenOwnedSmallBusiness | Women-Owned Small Business | Characteristic of the entity such as whether the selected entity is a Women-Owned Small Business or not. It is derived from the SAM data element, 'Business Types'. |
isJointVentureWomenOwnedSmallBusiness | Women-Owned Small Business (WOSB) Joint Venture eligible under the WOSB Program | Characteristic of the entity such as whether the selected entity is a Women-Owned Small Business (WOSB) Joint Venture eligible under the WOSB Program or not. It is derived from the SAM data element, 'Business Types'. |
isJointVentureEconomicallyDisadvantagedWomenOwnedSmallBusiness | Economically Disadvantaged Women-Owned Small Business (EDWOSB) Joint Venture | Characteristic of the entity such as whether the selected entity is a Economically Disadvantaged Women-Owned Small Business (EDWOSB) Joint Venture or not. It is derived from the SAM data element, 'Business Types'. |
isHospital | Hospital | Characteristic of the entity such as whether the selected entity is a Hospital or not. It is derived from the SAM data element, 'Business Types' |
receivesGrants | Federal Assistance Awards | Characteristic of the entity such as whether the selected entity is a Federal Assistance Awards or not. It is derived from the SAM data element, 'Business Types'. |
receivesContractsAndGrants | All Awards | Characteristic of the entity such as whether the selected entity is a All Awards or not. It is derived from the SAM data element, 'Business Types'. |
isAirportAuthority | Airport Authority | Characteristic of the entity such as whether the selected entity is a Airport Authority or not. It is derived from the SAM data element, 'Business Types'. |
isCouncilOfGovernments | Council of Governments | Characteristic of the entity such as whether the selected entity is a Council of Governments or not. It is derived from the SAM data element, 'Business Types'. |
isHousingAuthoritiesPublicOrTribal | Housing Authorities Public/Tribal | Characteristic of the entity such as whether the selected entity is a Housing Authorities Public/Tribal or not. It is derived from the SAM data element, 'Business Types'. |
isInterstateEntity | Interstate Entity | Characteristic of the entity such as whether the selected entity is an Interstate Entity or not. It is derived from the SAM data element, 'Business Types'. |
isPlanningCommission | Planning Commission | Characteristic of the entity such as whether the selected entity is a Planning Commission or not. It is derived from the SAM data element, 'Business Types'. |
isPortAuthority | Port Authority | Characteristic of the entity such as whether the selected entity is a Port Authority or not. It is derived from the SAM data element, 'Business Types'. |
isTransitAuthority | Transit Authority | Characteristic of the entity such as whether the selected entity is a Transit Authority or not. It is derived from the SAM data element, 'Business Types'. |
isSubchapterSCorporation | Subchapter S Corporation | Characteristic of the entity such as whether the selected entity is a Subchapter S Corporation or not. It is derived from the SAM data element, 'Business Types'. |
isLimitedLiabilityCorporation | Limited Liability Corporation | Characteristic of the entity such as whether the selected entity is a Limited Liability Corporation or not. It is derived from the SAM data element, 'Business Types'. |
isForeignOwnedAndLocated | Foreign Owned | Characteristic of the entity such as whether the selected entity is a Foreign Owned or not. It is derived from the SAM data element, 'Business Types'. |
isAlaskanNativeOwnedCorporationOrFirm | Alaskan Native Corporation Owned Firm | Characteristic of the entity such as whether the selected entity is an Alaskan Native Corporation Owned Firm or not. It is derived from the SAM data element, 'Business Types'. |
isIndianTribe | Indian Tribe (Federally Recognized) | Characteristic of the entity such as whether the selected entity is an Indiant Tribe (Federally Recognized) or not. It is derived from the SAM data element, 'Business Types'. |
isNativeHawaiianOwnedOrganizationOrFirm | Native Hawaiian Organization Owned Firm | Characteristic of the entity such as whether the selected entity is a Native Hawaiian Organization Owned Firm or not. It is derived from the SAM data element, 'Business Types'. |
isTriballyOwnedFirm | Tribally Owned Firm | Characteristic of the entity such as whether the selected entity is a Tribally Owned Firm or not. It is derived from the SAM data element, 'Business Types'. |
isSelfCertifiedHUBZoneJointVenture | Self-Certified HUBZone Joint Venture | Characteristic of the entity such as whether the selected entity is a Self-Certified HUBZone Joint Venture or not. It is derived from the SAM data element, 'Business Types' |
What is the FPDS Data Dictionary?
The FPDS Data Dictionary is a comprehensive reference that defines the data elements used in the Federal Procurement Data System. It provides descriptions, formats, and usage guidelines for each data element, ensuring consistency and accuracy in data reporting and analysis.
Importance of the FPDS Data Dictionary
The FPDS Data Dictionary is crucial for several reasons:
- Standardization: It ensures that all users of FPDS data have a common understanding of the data elements, promoting consistency across reports and analyses.
- Accuracy: By providing clear definitions and usage guidelines, the data dictionary helps prevent errors and misinterpretations.
- Efficiency: It serves as a quick reference for users, saving time and effort in understanding and using FPDS data.
Key Components of the FPDS Data Dictionary
The FPDS Data Dictionary includes several key components:
- Data Element Name: The name of the data element as used in FPDS.
- Description: A detailed explanation of the data element, including its purpose and usage.
- Format: The format in which the data element is recorded, such as text, numeric, or date.
- Values: The possible values that the data element can take, if applicable.
- Usage Guidelines: Instructions on how to use the data element correctly.
How to Use the FPDS Data Dictionary
Using the FPDS Data Dictionary effectively involves several steps:
- Identify the Data Element: Determine the specific data element you need information about.
- Refer to the Data Dictionary: Look up the data element in the FPDS Data Dictionary to find its definition, format, and usage guidelines.
- Apply the Information: Use the information from the data dictionary to ensure accurate and consistent data entry, reporting, and analysis.
Benefits of Using the FPDS Data Dictionary
Leveraging the FPDS Data Dictionary offers numerous benefits:
- Improved Data Quality: Ensures that data entered into FPDS is accurate and consistent.
- Enhanced Reporting: Facilitates the creation of reliable and standardized reports.
- Better Decision-Making: Provides a solid foundation for data-driven decision-making in federal procurement.
The FPDS Data Dictionary is an invaluable resource for anyone involved in federal procurement. By providing clear definitions, formats, and usage guidelines for FPDS data elements, it ensures data accuracy, consistency, and efficiency. Whether you are a data analyst, procurement officer, or researcher, understanding and using the FPDS Data Dictionary will enhance your ability to work with federal procurement data effectively.