Polaris Recap: We'll Explore What's Changed with Polaris | Federal Compass

Polaris Recap: We'll Explore What's Changed with Polaris


With other big-ticket vehicles already competed, Polaris offers another onramp for contractors to get in on the action. We'll explore historic Alliant spending and discuss strategies for Polaris.

Webinar topics:

  • Alliant 2 SB analysis - What will Polaris look like?
  • Should you be considering Polaris? - Federal movement towards IDIQs & GWACs
  • Scorecards, Teaming, and Planning for success after securing your place on Polaris
  • Polaris Draft - What does and does not exist in the current draft documents?

The Author

Jim Sherwood Federal Compass
Jim Sherwood
Leading the revolution in federal market intelligence.

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